Nonno Nanni - Festa dei nonni
Google - Be Internet Awesome
Inktober 2017 - italian songs
Inktober 2017 - 31 italian songs illustrated
Illustration of everyday life, tv shows, situations for ENGIE Facebook Page
Viniamo Magazine
Magazine Viniamo
Familiados - caregiver
Pinocchio illustration made for "Battello al Vapore" (contest 2016)
Summer Countdown
Dieci come...dieci giorni che mancano all'inizio della scuola. Dieci giorni alla fine delle vacanze. Quando ero piccola dopo tutto il giocare, andare a mare, mangiare gelati e riposare non vedevo l'ora che ricominciasse la scuola, e letteralmente, contavo i giorni.
La leggenda di Marialonga
Christmas is...
Christmas is...
Flavia De Luce - The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
Societies and their roots
When people go away from their lands, they tear off their roots (memories and traditions) from the ground and take them in their travel. They will never lose 'em, never forget who they are, but they'll never be the same with their roots cut. So they met different people, with different roots, colors, thoughts and traditions. They share their stories and start planting new roots. Linked with others they create a new society, a new tree, different from both and richer than before.
Harry Potter meets Hagrid
Baci Perugina Kisses dictionary
A series of illustrations for Baci Perugina illustrating a small "Kisses dictionary".
Womens and devices
Different women in different situations are looking for recipes on Bimby® web sites.
Baci Perugina - Valentine Cards
Unofficial illustrated cards proposed for baci Perugina and based on phrases taken by Tiziano Ferro's songs.
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